The MacPorts Project

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MacPorts 2.3.5 now available November 17, 2016

The MacPorts Project is pleased to announce the release of version 2.3.5. This is a bugfix release with small changes only, but the first we cut from our new home at GitHub. See the ChangeLog for the list of changes.

If you already have MacPorts installed, the preferred method for updating is to run:

sudo port selfupdate

For new installs, there are also package installers available for 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7, 10.6, and 10.5 on our website. These installers and the source tarballs are also available from the corresponding v2.3.5 tag on GitHub.

Detached PGP signatures for the disk images and package installers have been made by Joshua Root and the source tarballs have been signed by Rainer Müller. Both public keys are available on the keyservers and our MacPorts wiki pages (jmr, raimue), the fingerprints being:

0x01FF673FB4AAE6CD: C403 7936 5723 6DCF 2E58  0C02 01FF 673F B4AA E6CD
0x670191C05C5C6749: 7500 E6A3 6FA5 83B4 071B  B540 6701 91C0 5C5C 6749

The MacPorts Port Managers